
Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Of Birthdays and Weddings

I've been busy the past few days with birthday celebrations and surprises and the impending doom of my wedding planner checklist.

My birthday was actually yesterday, but I mostly celebrated it over the weekend. First, my lovely hubby-to-be, angel that he is, surprised me by giving me a nice day at the spa! It was the first I'd ever been to the spa. In fact, it was the first I'd ever even gotten a manicure or pedicure. Actually, all of it was a first for me! Haha...

Then he took me out for a nice lunch/dinner. I think it was the longest we'd ever been alone together since Adrianne was born. As much as I missed her like crazy, it was nice. It was liberating and so rejuvenating. I felt like I'd earned it too!

The next day, we had a nice, small, birthday get together for me with his family. I got to feel even more special! Michael's mother, the gourmet chef that she is, made me my favorite meal (fettuccine alfredo) and my favorite dessert (chocolate/coffee ice cream cake)! I got some beautiful cards and some very pretty maternity clothes as well.

Now, with the birthday festivities falling away, I come to realize that my wedding planner has been filling up with more and more "overdue" items on my checklist. Doom. So today, I've been cracking down on that. Hopefully I can manage to get everything all sorted out by the time June 1st rolls around without losing my sanity in the process.

With a potty training toddler to chase around daily, a self-mess-ifying apartment to constantly tidy, and piles of schoolwork to keep up with...Well, let's just say I'm doing my best to stay optimistic! I think blogging is the only thing helping me to wind down and keep my head on my shoulders anymore. But I know the more I do, the more I grow.

So, I apologize for this rather bland post. I haven't even had to time to take any pictures the past few days! But things will smooth themselves out soon enough.

Oh, and by the way...In case anyone is randomly interested, I have a "wedding website" created through the site I'm using as a wedding planner (WeddingWire). It's really just for our guests, but it's pretty neat looking. If you wanna take a peak, you can get to it here.

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