
Saturday, October 22, 2011

Time to Relax

One of the most important lessons that I've learned as a mother is that you have to take care of yourself first if you want to take good care of your loved ones. This is something I had heard but had not put very much stock into until I simply became overwhelmed and realized the lack of care I was putting into myself was starting to make me unable to take good care of my family.

A mama can only handle so much. So for those times when I start to freak out thinking, "oh my gosh, I'm taking care of four people and no one is even bothering to take care of me!" Well, for times like those...we have relaxation techniques. 

Find a way to get some quiet time to yourself, alone, with peace and quiet. Put your feet up, and breathe. Breathe deep and smile. It feels good to oxygenate the body! Stretch your muscles, relax them completely, and let the world fade away. It's only for a little while, but you can forget about that for now. This is your time to rejuvenate.

Another thing I have stumbled upon, which has become one of my favorite things in the world, is chamomile tea. To me, there is nothing like enjoying the late night silence with a cup of my favorite hot drink and then retiring to bed to get the best sleep I've ever had. 

I drink Traditional Medicinal's Organic Nighty Night tea, which smells and tastes like absolute heaven, in my opinion. It seems to relax all my muscles and then knocks me out at night, so I get a truly healing, deep, deep sleep. If you find you have a hard time getting a good rest at night, give this tea a try. 

But the main thing is, you have to find time to relax every once in a while. Everyone knows you're good at taking care of other people. Now don't forget to take care of yourself, too!

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