
Monday, October 31, 2011

Potty Training: Day 7

We've made it one week! And nothing really too out of the ordinary today. The potty has become a regular old part of the scenery around here.

One thing though, is that Adrianne went public for the first time today since we started potty training! We went grocery shopping and she made it the whole time without an accident. Although, she didn't even seem to have to go potty until about 30 seconds before we arrived home.

But that does mean that our diaper bag has officially transformed into the portable potty seat bag, with an emergency pair of pull-ups and panties (and pants) as well. I don't expect to ever need them, though. As I've mentioned yesterday, Adrianne hasn't had an accident since the very first morning.

We are still working on getting her out of the bathtub, but still I am in no rush to get her out of it. I want potty training to go how she wants it to go, especially since she is cooperating so angelically. If she wants to take it slow, that's fine by me.

I'll probably stop documenting her progress daily now though, since we've hit the one week mark. But I'll update occasionally as she hits some bigger milestones! Thanks for all the support!


  1. Congrats! That's great you've got her trained before the new baby comes!

  2. You're daughter seems very smart, and from what ive read in the rest of the blogs, very good with her hands. may i suggest teacher her sign language? it will get her using her hands even more, and will help her communicate better (im not saying she's having problems with that at allll, so please dont take it that way. people can always communicate better, especially little ones) plus it never hurts to know another language. you never know when she'll need it. it will be way easier for her to learn now than it will in the future. adrianne seems to have the mind of a sponge, if she can potty train this young. I'm sure there are some awesome sign language shows out there. The one i've heard of is called Signing Time, but im sure there are other options. Just a thought (a really long thought....)

  3. =) Thank you very much for the thought! Actually, many people tell me I should try teaching Adrianne sign language. The only reason I haven't yet is because I am trying to encourage her to actually talk! Haha. She has already made up lots of signs for things on her own. She is very inventive!


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