
Friday, October 28, 2011

Potty Training: Day 4

So we decided to take the risk of traveling two hours to visit Adrianne's Grammy for the night. Despite the fact that Adrianne had yet to conquer going on the potty without being in the bathtub, we took the plunge. It turned out to be a fairly good thing for us because Adrianne finally overcame her fear and went potty on her potty chain in the car when we were about halfway there.

She was so proud of herself! Not as proud as her Daddy and I were, of course.

Then! She was even excited and willing enough to try using her special new potty for Grammy's house, and successfully went potty on that too.

Our main snag of the day was Adrianne was afraid to go number 2 on the potty before bed. Fortunately, she managed to go in her diaper before she fell asleep when I put her down for bed. Sometimes I find myself wishing I had never started the whole potty training thing, but now it's definitely too late to turn back because she absolutely cannot stand the idea of going in a diaper.

But then again, I know I will be very grateful for Adrianne's admirable cooperation come second baby time!

Well, wish us continuous luck!

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