
Monday, October 17, 2011

A Busy Weekend

Saturday was a fun-filled day of Halloween festivities. We had to all get together this early in the month because it was the only one we could all manage to get to the same place at the same time. I love how Halloween basically turns into Christmas with my family! So many people, gifts, and lots and lots of laughter!

We also dressed the babies up (much to their dismay) and had them take about a million pictures together on the couch, the poor things. They all looked so adorable though!
Afterwards, we took them outside. Adrianne loved being surrounded by pumpkins! She looked like a pumpkin patch princess sitting on the trailer all by herself. It sure was a windy day too, and she just loved the wind!

Also, exploring Papa's yard, she made lots of new discoveries. Like this little puddle of water, which she was just fascinated by for whatever reason.

And well, of course we posed the babies together on the trailer as also!

Sunday entailed a trip to the mall. Adrianne is the best baby girl in the world. She loves to shop!! Girl after my own heart, I suppose. So she was more than willing to hop in the car for a ride to the "big store." Michael was not so approving of my photography skill practice with him driving as my subject, though. Oh well! I told him not to make faces cause I'd be putting it on the internet!

I just love the way Adrianne kicks back and relaxes as we stroll through the mall. Of course, this was her after about an hour or so of running around with us on her own two feet. It wasn't her who called it quits. I had to snatch her up and plop her in the stroller to give my poor feet a rest after chasing her around the place!

Finally, we have a cloudy, windy Monday today. Adrianne spent her peaceful morning coloring like an angel. I have been trying to savor every second of her coloring with her tongue sticking out in concentration. I cannot fathom anything more adorable than that! My little artist, she truly is my perfect daughter!! After coloring, we took a nice long walk with Daddy in the blustery wind. She fell asleep on the way home and was so knocked out that she didn't even wake when I carried her up the stairs to her crib and took her jacket off! Why do I always find myself wondering "how did she get so perfect?"

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