
Sunday, May 13, 2012

Food, Fast! Round Up

I'm a mom with less than zero time on her hands. So you can bet I am always eager to hear about quick and easy low maintenance recipes that I can slap together in less than an hour's notice without breaking the bank.  I know, I've got great expectations.

After all my snooping around, I just had to share what I'd found. There is a huge wealth of recipe stockpiles out there containing JUST what I need! Since I've already done all the work of gathering them up for myself, I knew this was the perfect thing for my readers. I hope you're all in easy recipe heaven right now! The best part about these recipes is that they are all from healthy eating websites, so you can rest assured they're pretty darn good for you. Enjoy!

Cooking Light's huge directory of all of their different 5-Ingredient recipes
Cooking Light's huge directory of Superfast (20 minutes or less) recipes
Heart Healthy Living's list of 5-Ingredient recipes
Heart Healthy Living's list of recipes under $3
Eating Well's list of 5-Ingredient recipes
Eating Well's list of quick, cheap and easy recipes

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Alicia, I loved the chicken breat stuffed with pimento cheese recipe. This is a great Better Nester post! Love Mom O


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