
Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Wall Hanging Stuffed Animal Storage Tutorial

I was inspired to make this hammock for stuffed animals by those nets they sell for in the corner of a room. I just didn't want to buy one of those and because I have a lot of slanted ceilings, I couldn't really pick a corner of the room that I would have wanted one of those to go in anyways.

The one I made hangs right on the wall, a flat surface, and can hold basically a bajillion animals. Shockingly, Adrianne has SO many stuffed animals that I am considering making another one of these bad boys. The ones you see in the pictures are probably about half of what she actually has. With another baby on the way, I fear what numbers my future may hold.

Naturally, I had to photo document my entire process so that I could brag share it with you! The reason this is so awesome is that it is so simple to make. I did it in about an hour too! How could something so cute be so easy?

Here we go!

Start off with a rectangle of fabric. (Ignore my wrinkles! This was just some scrap fabric I had lying around believe it or not. I think they added to the rustic appeal of my animal hammock...) Mine is probably about 4 or 5 feet long, 3-4 feet wide. I didn't measure, I just went with it. The size you will want will depend on how big you want your hammock to be.


As I'm sure you could see from the picture above this one, first we are going to just hem the top and bottom edges (the long sides) of the fabric. So just fold the edge over twice and sew it down to make a quick, basic finished edge.


On the shorter sides, fold over the edge about a half inch or so...

Then fold it over again about two or three inches.

And pin it down!

That's right...the whole edge. This is going to be a wide tube-like thing that we can thread some ribbon through...You'll see.


How did you guess? Yep, sew it down, close to the edge as possible to make sure you get that first fold sewn down and to leave you with the widest possible "tube."

Go ahead and do the same exact thing to the opposite side as well.


Now, you're going to need some thick ribbon. Or in my case, some long strips of fabric meant to act like ribbon. You may want to use fabric strips if you want the whole thing to have the same color/pattern. If you do, you may also want to hem the sides, it just depends on how pristine you want it to look. Again, I was kind of going for rustic.

We are going to thread the ribbon/fabric through the tube-y thing we just made. So I recommend wrapping the ribbon/fabric around the end of a chopstick or dowel or pencil, anything long and skinny really. Then use that to guide you. Trust me, it'll make your life much, much easier.

So go on and shove that ribbon through there, like so.

It should look like this when you've got it all the way through. Hope that part didn't give you too much grief! 'Cause you have to do the other side too...


Now, just simply make a knot...

And tighten it as much as possible.

NOW if you make another double knot, just leaving about an inch or so of space in between the two knots, you'll have a nice little hole to slip a hook through when you're hanging it.

It doesn't look like much right now, but this thing can hold a LOT. Don't be afraid to go crazy, stuffed animals aren't THAT heavy. Look at how many I got into mine.

Well, I hope this helped you out! I know it helped me!

[This post is linked to these link parties]
I Heart Nap Time


  1. Thank you SO much!! I was literally just thinking this morning about how I could get my son's ever-growing stuffy collection up on the wall. I was nursing him in his room and my thoughts went as far as, "Hmmm I wonder if I should get one of those ugly stuffy nets to hang in a corner of his room?" That's as far as I got because I had no other options and wasn't convinced that's what I wanted :) I am DEFINITELY doing this!! I also have a whole bunch of left over white linen from a ruffle tree skirt I made that I had no idea what to do with. YAY!

    1. The Better Nester: Wall Hanging Stuffed Animal Storage Tutorial >>>>> Download Now

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      The Better Nester: Wall Hanging Stuffed Animal Storage Tutorial >>>>> Download LINK

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      The Better Nester: Wall Hanging Stuffed Animal Storage Tutorial >>>>> Download Full

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  2. Clever and so much more attractive than the netting ones! Well done and thank you for sharing.

  3. What a great idea!! I would like to invite you to share at our Sharing Saturday at This week's closes on Wednesday and a new one starts Friday night. Thank you!

  4. Thank you for sharing it at Sharing Saturday!! We hope you will join us again this week!

  5. Hey there! I gave you credit in my post about a stuffed animal hammock after you gave me this awesome idea of how to create one! Please come check it out :)

  6. Great idea! While digging for fabric to make some, I found curtains that already had 'tubes' sewn in each end, so I just needed to add ribbons!

  7. Love this! Thank you for sharing! It is so much better than the net storage you buy at the stores. Much love!

  8. What a great idea. Thank so much! I was not loving the Hanging net idea and lacking the corner too. Starting to feel my twins stuffed animals are taking over

  9. Thanks for this awesome idea! I just made if for my sons room and instead of hanging it on the wall, I tied it to the end of his crib. It is just what I needed for all those animals! The best thing is, it looks great even when it is empty. It only takes up the amount of space as the animals in it!

  10. I just Hingham this on the wall with the removable hooks - not the way to go! It collapsed on my daughter. Luckily she is two and thought it was funny! Guess I had better install some real hooks! Thanks for tutorial! This is just what I needed to free up some floor space!

  11. Hung - not Hingham! Auto correct fail!

  12. Hi Alicia!
    I have been trying to find something for my two year old daughter's room for her stuff animals! I screamed in excitement when I came across your page and what you created (as you can see, it doesn't take much)! Anyway, I am not a crafty person whatsoever and as embarrassing as this is to admit, I can't even sew. Would you be willing to create this exact same thing for me and I can purchase it from you? If not, I totally understand. Thank you. Have a great night!


    1. Hi, Alicia,
      Where sewing is shown you can use hot glue instead.
      Another non-sewing/crafty mom ;)

  13. Hi Alicia!
    I have been trying to find something for my two year old daughter's room for her stuff animals! I screamed in excitement when I came across your page and what you created (as you can see, it doesn't take much)! Anyway, I am not a crafty person whatsoever and as embarrassing as this is to admit, I can't even sew. Would you be willing to create this exact same thing for me and I can purchase it from you? If not, I totally understand. Thank you. Have a great night!


  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. Fab tutorial here's my finished project.

  16. Thanks for the tutorial, I just found this and whipped it up in under an hour. Perfect solution to our stuffed animal problem.

  17. Great tutorial! Was searching the web for ideas today...found yours and pulled one together for my girls' room! Yeah! So easy and quick, and great! :) Thanks so much for sharing!

  18. Great tutorial! Was searching the web for ideas today...found yours and pulled one together for my girls' room! Yeah! So easy and quick, and great! :) Thanks so much for sharing!

  19. Love it! Can't wait to make it! I'm going to look in my scraps TONIGHT!
    By the way, your ring is lovely!

  20. Hello. I will be making this for my 7 year old! I have a HUGE piece of Barbie material her godmother gave me that would be perfect for her girlie-girl room and eliminate this clutter. THANKS!!!

  21. Hello I have just made this for my grandaughter as she is having a jungle theme in her bedroom. The only thing I didn't understand was the blue lines saying hem here??? Could you please help. I followed written instructions that all appeared to have straight edges.. thankyou Julie

  22. The Better Nester: Wall Hanging Stuffed Animal Storage Tutorial >>>>> Download Now

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    The Better Nester: Wall Hanging Stuffed Animal Storage Tutorial >>>>> Download LINK

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    The Better Nester: Wall Hanging Stuffed Animal Storage Tutorial >>>>> Download Full

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